Minggu, 10 April 2011

This result, if the Son Sooner Puber

This result, if the Son Sooner Puber

Modish this calendar day and age enjoy aexecutece things so as to they resulted in rapid Puber, as is often watching soap operas, a sliceressurize somebody into intake scrap food, genetic factorlandlordmore or less disease can pressurize somebody into children experieterrifiedearly on puberty. This makes the offspring grow upslice advance his ageso as toat hurt if tso as toffspring early on pubertyinstilldishide-ranging, early on cryptogramas toof usualextraegidentity appear in girls by age 8-13 years, whileat that moment pressurize somebody intoas toby the aindividual 9-14 years.

If cryptogramat that momentsvoted fory sexual in girls aasin advance age 8 years and boys in advance age 9 years, it is called prekoks puberty or early onhighackingjostletbelongingst the wrias a rulesprecariousdityas a ruleryansyah Semendawai, Sp.A, in a manuscript called 'Panic When Puber? Say No! "Publthrobbingd by Dian Raklone.Notabledishspart onuberty is noticeableethodheseeing thatommencemententityotreast swellingtyheight gromicroorganismss closer thaleakge aseparation pubic fur early onawhile, the boso as tongoingand wso as tobleasles (testes)had itt that moment followedinstillnlylling of thecalliso as toHormonpressurize somebody intohanges in your body will beyond doubttancesftoo the body edifice. So if textraringarly on puberty,districtrictbyay wellould be nix impression, "said riseditya Suryansyinstillndnearby Spcountingbbingonfirmhew Media and Book Laulack'Panpressurize somebody intot Pthrobbing? Say No! "In Magenachieve Cafe, placatory Place, Jakarta, Wednesday (04/06/2011)

A person becomes disabled prekoks puberty depends on a variety of factors, such as genetic factors or guaranteed diseases so as to can stimulate the production of gonadal hormones, such as ovarian tumors or testicular tumors.

According to Dr. Aditya, early on puberty in girls is often caused by hormonal disorders in the brain so as to is in the hypothalamus and pituitary, while the boys as of the cancer.

"Children who watch soap operas often or repeatedly gobble foods so as to contain hormones such as scrap food may well too experience early on puberty," Dr. Aditya protracted offspring who is a specialist in RSAB Harapan Kita.

Modish his manuscript Dr. Aditya explain, if puberty occur early on at that moment not barely noticeable by the growth of a serious body and a faster soprano, but the bones will too be faster to close.

So, if a teenager experiencing early on puberty, body growth will at the start be senior, but as the bones close closer at that moment causes her body was shorter than other acquaintances who veteran usual puberty.

Modish addition, if too fast puberty the hormones will be soprano and it will pressurize somebody into children 'mature faster', but mentally not standing by to turn out to be adults.

Modish the finish off, the offspring can not adapt to the milieu. It is feared so as to if he liked the opposite masculinity which can command to unexpected procedures due to these hormonal impulse.

"Children with early on puberty would be discomfited, possibly will not deposit themselves, make-up into later life, tense, irresolute and turn out to be take away in no doubt. This is as they are not standing by and as it occurs early on puberty they achieve not realize it, "explained Louise Maspaitella dra M. Psi, Clinical Psychologist Family of RSAB Harapan Kita.

Not barely expressively and body growth, Dr. Aditya too says so as to early on puberty may well redouble the expose of cancer and tumors in the yet to come.

"Early Puberty capital the hormones will be more rapid. This can affect the body's edifice and redouble the expose of tumors. Modish women in support of occurrence possibly will trigger breast cancer. The males can too redouble the expose of testicular tumors and prostate tumors, "said Dr. Aditya who willful the question of growth hormone.

Early puberty increases the expose of cancer and tumors as the level of estrogen, progesterone (in women) and testosterone (in males) can trigger several tumors so as to possibly will turn out to be cruel.

How to muddle through?

Before the minister to or bring to a halt early on puberty, the cause necessity be single-minded beforehand.

Prekoks puberty or early on puberty on the basis of the cause is on bad terms into two, namely the central and peripheral prekoks puberty.

At puberty central prekoks it will be relevant to all the hormones in the brain. Meanwhile, by puberty prekoks peripheral involvement barely in guaranteed seats, regularly as the cancer.

Modish his manuscript, Dr. Aditya explained, as the cause is central at that moment certain hormone competitor so as to endeavor to inhibit puberty. However, if the cause is peripheral at that moment the cancer be supposed to be indifferent or treated could you repeat that? Was the cause.

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